Passion of the moment...

VISUAL ART Displayed

Grace & PASSION Encapsulated

Dancers & athletes from all walks of life can be portrayed in a series of explosive, expressive moments. 

From ballerinas to street dancers from kick boxers to gymnasts – professional photography can really promote their future by documenting key moment(s) within a performance

to compellingly show a time that fans and followers can expect to experience. 

A concise & creative collection of your discipline and performance demonstrating your skills to industry recruiters, promoters, client’s competitions showcasing your very best work.

Your dance and movement images can be used to create a story illustrating your personal journey. The training and skills you have honed to create such a remarkable spectacle will be captured forever. Everybody has something ‘distinct, diverse, unique' about them. These can be used to set you apart from the competition.

Creative and crafted images bespoke to you will make that all important impression to your fans, coaches and agents which will tell your story and build a personal connection with them before you’ve even met.

what are the Benefits of having your Dance and  Movement Photoshoot?

  • Promotional Images to increase recognition and promote upcoming events and displays
  • Build a relationship between fans, artists and athletes
  • Strong, impactful imagery for your marketing and publicity
  • Social media engagement is 37% more effective with a strong image
  • Creative  photography influences connections created to show employers, agencies & clients your best work

What to expect

  • We will plan a detailed shoot that highlights your dance / discipline and individual character
  • Attend events to capture 'in the moment shots'
  • We will work through the process together to get the best bank of professional images
  • We will create a bank of professional images to use across all your media platforms, print, merchandise and  bespoke needs that will catch the eye of your current and new connections
  • You will feel proud of the imagery you display


Still frame,

head shots, product shots




360 VIDEO,


Still frame,

head shots, product shots


We are specialists photographers and as such we often get asked if video is better than still photography.  The answer is YES and NO. Both have their special uses and tell a story in a different way. Stills photos are very good for showing detail, Characters, individual views of complex catalogues and subject. They are also very good for showing lots of different items or views in a short time.

Still frame, head shots, product shots and similar are priced at £45 per hour. Min 2 hours.

Video is good for showing large areas, groups of people or those addressing the camera, collections of short clips showing multiple subjects and of moving subjects. Also great for special effects. 


We often use what is termed Fusion video. We intersperse a large number of still photos with short but relevant clips of video. Together, the client can achieve a more comprehensive and interesting story’. This is more expensive than Stills only but the video content is kept to a minimum. 

Fusion video prices start at £250 and are subject to discussion before booking.



360 VIDEO,


We also offer ‘Lifestyle’ video which are a more professional version of DIY phone video. We use cameras and 360 video to produce family films often featuring children, pets etc. or special days where we can following your ventures at an agricultural or horse show for example.

Lifestyle Videos contain most of what is shot on the day with continuity but minimal editing and cost £450 - £600.

LIFESTYLE GIFT VOUCHERS are available for these sessions which can then be confirmed on the diary. Again, we would need to have a pre-shoot planning meeting/discussion. (All included in the cost)  

Finally, we can video weddings and other larger events (including concerts etc). We would normally use 3 cameras plus 360 and/or drone. The cost of these full day records start at £2,200.

We are specialists photographers and as such we often get asked if video is better than still photography.  The answer is YES and NO. Both have their special uses and tell a story in a different way. Stills photos are very good for showing detail, Characters, individual views of complex catalogues and subject. They are also very good for showing lots of different items or views in a short time.

Still frame, head shots, product shots and similar are priced at £45 per hour. Min 2 hours.

Video is good for showing large areas, groups of people or those addressing the camera, collections of short clips showing multiple subjects and of moving subjects. Also great for special effects. 


We often use what is termed Fusion video. We intersperse a large number of still photos with short but relevant clips of video. Together, the client can achieve a more comprehensive and interesting story’. This is more expensive than Stills only but the video content is kept to a minimum. 

Fusion video prices start at £250 and are subject to discussion before booking.

We also offer ‘Lifestyle’ video which are a more professional version of DIY phone video. We use cameras and 360 video to produce family films often featuring children, pets etc. or special days where we can following your ventures at an agricultural or horse show for example.

Lifestyle Videos contain most of what is shot on the day with continuity but minimal editing and cost £450 - £600.

LIFESTYLE GIFT VOUCHERS are available for these sessions which can then be confirmed on the diary. Again, we would need to have a pre-shoot planning meeting/discussion. (All included in the cost)  

Finally, we can video weddings and other larger events (including concerts etc). We would normally use 3 cameras plus 360 and/or drone. The cost of these full day records start at £2,200.

The spotlight’s on you!

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