You have been invited to a Free Photoshoot 

You have the 'Star'
quality that every professional photographer seeks...

 am a creative Professional Photographer and like many, I often see a person or an object that I would like to photograph . If its a place or a building for example it is easy to make a note and to go Back. With a person though, the encounter is normally only for a minutes or less and they are usually gone, never to be seen again.

From experience gained over the years, a chance encounter can lead to an on-going professional relationship and so I have developed a Contact system - The STORYTELLER GOLD CARD.

If you have been given a gold card, It is an invitation to attend a full professional Photo Shoot, either in Studio or on location. If you spoke to me, you may have given me your contact details and I will contact you. If Not, Please do contact me for a chat. My details and address are on the card and the website.  

The shoot will cost you nothing and you will receive an 
A4 photograph, professionally framed and mounted. 
The package is worth at least £200.  

The shoot will be by appointment and you may bring a friend with you. That person will not be a part of the shoot.   

There is no obligation or pressure to buy anything.
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